Wednesday, March 7, 2007

MutiView Control

You can think of MultiView as more advanced panel that let you switch between groups of controls on a page.

Essentially, the MultiViewgives you a way to declare multiple views and show only one at a time.
It 's really simple to use that, just put it from the Toolbox, then add one or more View control inside this.Now you can have you user interface design in all the views, separately.
By default the ActiveViewIndex, the property which determine which of the view control 's has to be shown, is set to -1.
So you can just set the index of your desire.
It 's also a method called SetActiveView which can set the active view control by it 's reference.
It the sample that I 've been created.I set the ActiveViewIndex to 0 in Page_Load event, when it 's not post backed.


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